Gratitude List- March 2019

I am back again to write my monthly Gratitude Journal. This is my most favorite part of blogging where I write about the good things (and occasionally also about the not so good things) that happened to me. March 2019 was an erratically hectic month with a wedding in the family. My regular readers know from my February Gratitude post about how we were at the tenterhooks regarding the wedding. Thankfully the wedding went on smoothly and we enjoyed like crazy and were exhausted at the end. So let’s start counting the blessings.

Write Tribe Festival of Words: The month started with the WTFOW and I wrote five posts based on the prompts. This was the first time when I couldn’t complete the challenge as the blogging marathon coincided with the wedding and it became too hectic. The posts that I wrote are:




Gwendolyn Brooks

Feminism Vs Misandry

Wedding: In the first week of March, the house was full of guests as relatives had come from all over for the wedding. Late night chattering was keeping us awake. I also took the opportunity to indulge in some sajna sawarna. In Mumbai, I hardly get a wedding invitation, therefore the ones I get should be thoroughly utilized.


Delhi Conference: I traveled to Delhi for a conference. My early morning flight got canceled and I was put on another flight that reached Delhi around 11am. By the time, I reached the conference it was halfway through. However, I am grateful that my colleagues from Delhi managed perfectly. This conference was an amazing learning experience and I look forward to more.

Holi: I am not fond of the holi mess, but I love festivals as they share joy, happiness and laughter. Due to my leg injury, I couldn’t do the rain dance this year but that didn’t stop me from enjoying. The thing I love most about holi is the afternoon siesta. I think colours have an impact on our sleep and since childhood, I have always slept well in Holi afternoon.

New Guest:  During my morning walk I found someone whom I brought home. He stayed with us for two days and gave us immense happiness. We named him Stunt, looking at his antics. However, we had to give him back with a heavy heart (me and son were sad, better half was relieved) because in few days we would be traveling and keeping Stunt at home alone would have become an issue. We are grateful that he found a nice home. We will meet him again for sure.






This month was crazy in the work front and son also had his annual exams, added to it the wedding and travels made life quite hectic. I even didn’t get time to read and finished only one book Mossad. No, I also read Hardy boys, Ruskin Bond, and Anne Frank but they were re-reading so not counted. This was more or less my month, how was yours?



Happy to join Vidya Sury and her Gratitude Circle

9 thoughts on “Gratitude List- March 2019

    • Balaka says:

      Ha ha ha..the Diva part is hilarious 😂😂😂
      You would have also managed my dear. Mossad is indeed a dark book. It was so disturbing that I went back to read Ruskin Bond. Will write the review soon.


  1. Meena says:

    Very hectic month for sure. Sorry to hear about your leg. Hope it is better now. I missed your post for WTFOW. The last one. I waitied and waited for the notification to drop and when it didn’t, I went to your blog to check if there was a mistake too. Anyway, here’s hoping for a busy Apr too. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Unishta says:

    Wow! Wasn’t your month busy. Mine was a bit drab in comparison with workers and more workers crawling all over the house. But the highlight was a staycation on the 31st floor!


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