Let’s Time-Travel

While watching a docudrama on Albert Einstein, my desire to time-travel became stronger than ever. I have always been fascinated with the concept of time-travel. I love watching any Sci-Fi movie dealing with the concept of time-travel. My favorite movie on time-travel is Interstellar. Fortunately, it is one of the rare Christopher Nolan movies that I understood. I also loved the “Back to the Future” franchise. I also loved Adam Project on Netflix. Adam Project also had Mark Ruffalo, so it was a double bonanza for me.

I love listening to podcasts that talk about Time-travel. If you listen to Neil DeGrass Tyson, you would know how time-travel is quite a possibility. Scientists were quick to use Einstein’s theory to make the atom bomb, but, Why is time-machine taking so long? I wonder why modern researchers are wasting so much time, money, and effort of building AI to check my grammar than make a time machine. Why do we have all those stupid social media apps but not a single app that will help me go to the past or future? Where is Elon Musk when we actually need him? Mr. Musk, I am more interested to go to my past or future rather than going to Mars. Please invent a time-machine on priority basis. You have the theories and the mathematics just sort out the engineering part and we are good to go.

Suppose, if time machine gets invented, where would you like to travel? the past or the future?

I would not like to go to the future, rather I would like to go the past. I have more work to do in the past than the future. You must be wondering, what I would do in the past? Some of the things that I would do are as follows:

  • Choose a different profession
  • Become an interior designer/garden landscape designer/ home organizer/professional de-clutterer
  • Start working in my early 20s
  • Go abroad to study
  • Spend more time with my friend S who died when we were 26 years old
  • Enjoy every moment because the mundane moments become great memories later on
  • Encourage my mom to enjoy life and not waste her time thinking about what others would say or think
  • Encourage my Dad to take up a healthy lifestyle
  • Enjoy my son’s toddler days and not worry about being a perfect mom
  • Not try to fit with others in college. I should have understood we were different
  • Accept failure with the grace just like the way I embrace success
  • Not to waste time arguing with others and focus on my own growth

There are many more things that I can do if I can go back to my past. Now tell me what you want to do? Would you like to go back to the past and go forward to the future. Please let me know. Let us have an interesting conversation on time-travel.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

8 thoughts on “Let’s Time-Travel

  1. Shilpa Gupte says:

    I loved the beginning of this post, Balaka! Where, indeed, is Mr. Musk and why is he not doing what he should? When will the time machine be made? Why are people wasting time making apps that are nothing but time wasters?

    If the time machine does get made and if I do get a chance to travel, I would like to travel to the past and do every one of the things you mentioned in your list. Start working early, choose a different stream than commerce and work on my strengths than follow blindly what all the others did. And I would also like to celebrate my uniqueness instead of struggling with an inferiority complex and anxiety, both of which have been following me like a shadow all these years.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Balaka says:

      I would also like to show more self-love and do things what I love doing. There have been so many times in the past when I was so self-critical. If I go back, I would surely tell my younger self that I am doing fine.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sunita Saldhana says:

    “Scientists were quick to use Einstein’s theory to make the atom bomb, but, Why is time-machine taking so long?” I wonder too. If I could turn back time, I would live more intentionally, rather that just doing what everybody did. I would have pursued my passion of writing . I would have chosen to become a psychologist. Ah the list gones on.


  3. Anamika Agnihotri says:

    This was a fun post especially the beginning part. I had no idea about Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity being used to make atom bomb or that it can also be used to make a time machine. I am feeling quite educated today. I have not ever thought about time travel or whether I would like to go forward or backward. Right now, I feel I am in a good place spirit wise and would just like to be here. I also believe in never say never.

    Liked by 1 person

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